Kettlebells Level 1 & 2

Prerequisites are required to attend Kettlebells Level 2.

From strengthening larger muscles to building stability in smaller ones, kettlebells are a highly effective training tool for improving total-body strength and conditioning. You will learn safe technique so you can progressively add load and move in and out of movement patterns for a challenging workout. 

For Kettlebells Level 2 prerequisites include prior experience with deadlift, squat, overhead press, pull-up, push-up, kettlebell swing, and Turkish get-up. Kettlebells Level 2 will challenge you to progress and refine your technique and skill. Additional prerequisites for this class include proficiency with the one-armed swing and snatch.


Are kettlebells only for weight training?

Kettlebells are a functional tool that not only builds full-body strength, but encourages stability, power, endurance, and dynamic movement.

Are modifications available during class to support learning and injuries?

Absolutely! Our coaches will offer options and work with you to offer alternatives that will allow you to build skill and strength or to support the recovery of an injury.

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