
Reiki Master

Katie Thacker

Katie Thacker is a dedicated wellness practitioner, based at the intersection of science and holistic healing. Believing in the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, Katie completed her first Reiki Training in April 2022 and became a Reiki Master in November 2023. Drawing upon her experience from studying yoga, honing her intuitive skills, and studies of quantum physics and neurobiology, she facilitates a process of relaxation and stress reduction, which can positively impact the body's natural healing mechanisms. Reiki provides an opportunity to channel and cultivate a connection to consciousness, and will leave you feeling recharged and supported.

Reiki Master

Alan Weeks

Embracing the calling to explore the realms of Reiki, I initially approached this healing practice with skepticism. Despite the challenges posed by personal addictions, my innate curiosity led me to delve into the world of energy healing. Unbeknownst to me, I was tapping into my intuitive abilities, a facet of myself that I had yet to discover.

At the age of 29, a profound turning point in my life unfolded—a mental breakdown that marked the onset of a spiritual awakening, shaking the foundations of my existence. Determined to navigate this transformative experience, I dedicated myself to self-improvement, leveraging tools such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-discovery literature. Despite the prolonged period of emotional turmoil, this journey laid the groundwork for the Reiki practice I would later cultivate.

I embarked on formal training and attained the status of a Reiki Master in December of 2020. Today, my practice is deeply rooted in the profound lessons and personal growth garnered from my own healing journey. With a commitment to facilitating wellness and balance through the transformative power of Reiki, I invite you to join me on a path of holistic healing and self-realization.